Current Exhibitions Artisans Guild Gallery, 224 NW 2nd Avenue, Gainesville, FL.Studios of Melrose, at The Melrose Center, 309 State Road 26, Melrose, FL. PenguinStudios of MelroseNikolaA truly one-of-a-kind desk/table lamp. It features a turquoise-painted body from a glass-sided ceiling fan motor housing mounted on a curved tripod base. Verticality is provided by a reading lamp reflector, and a 12” round glass frosted globe. LED bulbs provide warm white illumination. Approximate dimensions: 24” h x 13” w x 13” d. On display at Artisans Guild Gallery, Gainesville FLAgave AzulAvailable at Artisans Guild GalleryFiddleArt lamp, made with a violin and a handmade lampshade. Artisans Guild Gallery.Decoan art-deco styled table lamp. Featuring a handmade conical shade with an abstract black and white pattern. The brushed stainless steel body and base, with the lampshade, present a unified conical-shaped presence. Artisans Guild Gallery - $165AnsulArtisans Guild GalleryAtomic CatsStudios of Melrose galleryTequilaWall sconce. At Studios of Melrose galleryDeco NouveauMid-Century ModernAt Studios of Melrose gallery Home ©Bill Paine 2024 Skip back to main navigation